Working With Reports

Changing The Report Data

You may want to change the data fields that are shown in the report to include or exclude data. To do so:

  1. Hover over the Data dropdown at the top, then click Change Report Data.

  2. Determine what data you want to see (the options vary depending on the report). The fields with the + can be associated to the report, while the fields with the check mark are associated to this report.

  3. Click the icons to determine what will and will not display in the report.


NOTE: If you know which fields you would like to add, use the Display dropdown to narrow down the list of fields to that particular category; or, use the search bar.

Once you're done, click Run to generate the report.


Filtering Your Data

Once you have the data you need, click Filters to the right of the report or hover over Data, then click Filter Report Data.

Additional options will appear to the right-side of the report. Several fields from your report will appear by default.

  1. If you do not see the field you would like to filter by, click the Edit Filters link in the top right-hand corner. Toggle the fields you want to display to green, and the fields you do not need to grey.

NOTE: Not all fields are available as filters. To verify a field can be used, hover over Data, click Change Report Data, then the Fields tab, and toggle the field to green.

  1. Click Run, then re-check what filters are available by returning to Filters > Edit Filters.

  2. Click Apply to view updated results.

Adjusting The Report Appearance

To change the name of the report, hover over the name above the table of data and click the pencil icon to edit.  The name you select will become the file name when the report is exported.

To sort the data, click on the column headers.


Quickly Adjusting Report Content

Select the triple-dots at the top and right side of the report and then select Edit.

A panel appears on the right side of the report.  This allows you to:


After making any adjustments these settings, select Update to apply the changes.


Exporting The Report

To export your report to your preferred file format, select Actions and then select Export.

Select the Format and File Name and then select Export to download the report.


TIP: Visual changes you make to your report such as filtering, sorting, adjusting columns, etc. will be retained when you Export. However, these report customizations will need to be re-applied if you log out of Passkey.