Room List: Submitting the Room List

Checking Inventory

Before submitting a room list, confirm that the rooms requested on the list fit the allocated inventory for the event as follows:

  1. Select an attendee, hotel, and room as needed or click Refresh Available Rooms to update the availability display (this is especially important if you have updated any records in the list):

  1. View the inventory dates for this hotel.  Outside-of-contract dates are shaded with a tan color.

  1. If there is room availability, submit the list.  If there is a deficit on any night, see the next section on Increasing Inventory.


You can also:

Increasing Inventory

If there is a deficit of rooms for one or more nights based on the requests from the room list, the Increase Inventory link appears in the Net line.

This feature can automatically increase inventory to meet the requested rooms and to help you process the room list quickly and efficiently, without toggling to Event Inventory.  It provides a choice for how to accomplish this.

  1. Select the Increase Inventory link to get started.
  2. Then select one of the options from the confirmation dialog:


TIP: Wait Listed nights are highlighted in the grid when there is no availability under Available and the Wait List feature is turned on for the nights displayed.


Submitting The List

Once the record errors are fixed and the inventory has been verified, you can submit the room list as follows:

  1. Select record(s) for submission using the checkbox next to each record.

  2. Click the Submit button.

  3. Select whether to submit Selected Records, All Filtered Records or All Records.

  4. Click Continue to process.

  5. A summary appears for the reservations that were submitted, and contains additional detail if updates occurred.

After the records have successfully processed into reservations, they appear in the Confirmed tab.

TIP:  Reservation modifications from updates to a list will not automatically trigger acknowledgements to guests. However, you can manually send updates for reservations by ensuring that "Send Acknowledgement" is selected for particular reservations. To send updates for multiple reservations, select those reservations (or select all), select the Edit button, go to Misc. Fields and change Send Ack to "Y", and then click Save.


Processing A Room List With Updates

When updating a list, the system will act based on information provided in the ResAck# column. On submitting records:

The number you provide can even be the root acknowledgement number (e.g. 327M2TLK instead of 327M2TLK0).

A summary indicates how many reservations were modified, and how many failed to be modified and remain in Pending (e.g. the updates from the list had errors that were not fixed, or perhaps inventory was not available at that moment, etc.)

After successful processing, new and modified reservations will appear in the Confirmed tab.