Room List: Mapping the Room List

Use this page to map column headings to the appropriate reservation field. The mapping functionality allows you to upload any room list format. Mapping templates can be saved and recycled for repeat groups or your standard room list format, avoiding this step entirely.

To map the room list, match the list column headings to the appropriate reservation field.

The row above the table contains the drop-down lists of all the reservation mapping fields. When a list is first viewed, each column header title is displayed as Select Field. Click on the drop-down list to choose from one of the nine primary categories:

Each primary category contains various header titles that are selected to match the column titles in the uploaded list. For example, the Primary Guest category contains the following options:


The row below the Selected Fields contains the column headers contained in the original room list. As the room list columns are mapped, the title for each column will change from its original name to the corresponding reservation field name.

TIP: If necessary, use Reset Changes at the bottom of the page to undo all your changes.

Mapping A Room List

The first 15 rows of reservation records (from the original room list) are displayed to assist with the mapping process.  These records cannot be edited in this screen, but the full list can be viewed by selecting Show All Rows near the bottom of the page. To map the fields:

  1. Click on Select Field in the row above the field that you would like to map.

  2. Select the category for that column name. For example, Check-In is in the Room Information category.

  3. Select the reservation field for the room list field. The row header will change from Select Field to the new field name. Note that you cannot select any previously selected field in the drop-down list. The number displayed next to Columns remaining to be mapped will automatically adjust to show the remaining number of columns that need to be mapped. 

NOTE:  There are overall reservation check-in and check-out fields available as well as individual guest level check-in and check-out fields.  By default the overall reservation check-in and check-out dates will be used for all guests unless changed.  The individual check-in and check-out dates must fall within the overall reservation dates. Based on specific GroupLink capabilities, individual check-in and check-out dates may or may not transfer to the hotel’s PMS.

  1. Repeat the process until all fields have been mapped.

Select Continue to finish with the mapping and begin processing the list.

TIP: To undo a mapped field, click on the Un-map option and the field will return to the original default of Select Field.

Mapping A Room List That Contains Updates

If you want to apply updates to a reservation from a room list, you must ensure that the corresponding record in the room list contains a valid Passkey acknowledgement number. For example, the column with the acknowledgement number may come from your registration system, be manually entered into your room list, or be generated from Passkey upon exporting a room list.

In addition to the general mapping step just described, you must also map the column with the acknowledgement number to Misc. Fields / Passkey Ack#. This allows Passkey to clearly identify and map the rooming list contents to existing reservations during processing.

Once you are done, select Continue to finish with the mapping.

Mapping Summary

When mapping a room list that contains modified records, Room List Manager will show you a Mapping Summary dialog that indicates the number of records that will be processed as new, modified, or ignored due to errors.

Click Continue to process the list or Cancel to stay on the mapping page.

Saving the Mapping Template

After mapping a room list, there is an option to save the template format for future use. To use a saved template for a new or updated list, select the template, which will be displayed in alphabetical order. A pop-up message will appear to confirm the use of the template.

After selecting a template, the page will update to automatically map the columns. The rest of the page will display according to the mapping process just as though you had manually mapped the file.

Save the current mapping as a new format template by clicking the Save Format button after completing the mapping process. You have the option of updating an existing format or creating a new format.

Using the Advanced Features

Splitting and Combining Fields

There may be a situation where column headers need to be split or combined (i.e., separating a full name into first name and last name).  The Split and Combine buttons are located above the file mapping section. To split or combine headers, click on the appropriate button and a checkbox will appear in each header. Then select which columns will be split or combined.  A pop-up message will appear to confirm the change.

Split Column Pop-up Window

The Split Column pop-up window displays a live preview of the column field split and contains these fields:

Combine Columns Pop-up Window

The Combine Columns pop-up window will display a live preview of the combined column fields and contains these fields:

New Combine or Split Columns

When a new field is added, it is displayed as a link. Select the field (link) to open the appropriate pop-up window for editing.  The pop-up window will show the values of the current field based on the previous Combine or Split process that was completed.

Hide Columns

The hide columns feature is useful when there are columns on a list that do not need to be mapped (i.e., information from the registrations system that will not be carried over to Passkey).  These columns can be hidden to make the mapping process faster. To hide columns in the room list file, select the Hide Columns button and choose any non-mapped fields (this cannot be done for mapped fields). A hidden field will reduce the Fields remaining to be mapped total. To unhide columns, click on the Show all hidden columns checkbox.